Friday, February 10, 2012

Leaded Glass Transoms off to Ottawa...

Ok this week I finished the Rockcliffe Park Project...4 transoms and a total of 6 interior door lites.  WHEW!!
This afternoon the crate was picked up and off they went on a big truck to Ottawa.  I loved this project but am glad that they are shipped.... Today was a great day at the studio..I cannot explain...just in a happy place!  I polished some beveled panels that are for some cabinet inserts...relaxed and then went to Oakville to visit some new clients....TGIF....Hope you have a great weekend...
Leaded Glass Interior Transoms Windows, Glassworks Studio

Transoms Windows

Interior Door lites..

Sunday, February 5, 2012

This weekend at the studio..a little cold glass work and some hot glass too...

This weekend was busy...well I feel like I live at the studio lately...  Saturday morning started really friend Frances dropped in and I introduced her to the kiln...she made herself a little tile...not bad for a newbee ...  I continued working on the Ottawa project..finished a few door inserts and started the layout for the final transom panels...

Today my mom came out to help...being a "glasser" also..she completed some overlay kitchen cabinet panels for me...she was a great help and nice company...  At home my dad was making our supper...I love it when my parents are in town...  :)

Her are some shots of the work completed this weekend...Have a great week!
Kelly Anne
Leaded Glass for Pocket
Leaded Glass Door Insert 26 x  49, GNA and Bevels

Leaded Transom Window...GNA and Bevels ...

Friday, January 27, 2012

This week..a lot of door lites...
This week the door lites were completed for the Oakville Project.  There were a total of 5....3 were done GNA with the bevels and the others were built in German Cathedral. Very nice.

Today I completed the drawings for the Ottawa project...well I completed the details for the transom hopefully Andrea can start this weekend...and then next week there is a total of 8 doorlites and four transoms being shipped...

This weeks hint for glassers...if you are using zinc for the perimeter of your panels...clean it with paint thinner before applying your black patina to make your finish nice and dark.

Have a great weekend!
Kelly Anne

Monday, January 16, 2012

Going on an adventure this week... :)

Have I told you that I love what I do...lately??? :)

This week I am working on door lites for an Oakville site.  All are the same design style...symmetrical, linear...classic and 3 of the doors GNA is dominant ....lower level of the house where privacy is not required...upper level doors will be made of Wissmach Corrella Classic....Nice!  Of course multi-faceted bevels and pencil bevels are almost part of everything I do...."My Bling"  These doors will be installed Wednesday...

Thursday I am off to Barrie and then Horseshoe Valley for 2 sites...Imagine me working on glass for a "Guinness Pub"....a little slice of heaven for me....

So here is a pic of this weeks work so far (patina and polish have not been done yet-these are oh natural still- and yes it is only Monday....As you may notice painting elves have also been working hard at the studio...painting out all the beautiful trim done by Victoria Strong Manufacturing Company....Looks great!
                                                    GLASSWORKS STUDIO TORONTO,

Have a great week!!! and thanks to "anonymous" for my first comment....

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2012 starts in the kitchen..."Rennie inspired cabinet inserts"

Well....Because I have not said it yet..."Happy New Year."

I have many goals this year...some deal with expansion...and some change...I have lots to do and it is going to be an exciting year...I have a good feeling....

So last week and this week were pretty hectic..These "Rennie" inspired cabinet inserts were completed and installed on site in Oakville... as were 6 others for another Oakville project.  On the cutting tables now are 5 interior door lites also for Oakville...  More panels for the new showroom next door were finally completed...Classic and traditional..with fifty (5 x 7) bevels that were all bordered by striking Red Flemish by Wissmach. VERY VERY NICE..

Here are my Rennie Inserts...

So  I hope everyone had a great back to work...   :-)
Kelly Anne

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

getting a "work out" at the studio...

OK...this week has been exhausting...and it is only Wednesday night...The cycle is for weeks I plan, have meetings with clients, and complete drawings and layouts.....THEN...I have to complete the projects.  So this week I have been trying to finish pre-Christmas projects... This week I have been leading cabinet inserts for a major player in the kitchen market...."cementing."  OK anyone who has cemented a project realizes the physical work that this is...polishing..brushing..polishing...  My arms are aching...but they are complete and they look beautiful...that old world pewter on the metal work that only polishing brings out...Beautiful!  

Tomorrow it all starts again with a meeting first thing with clients for the next project...6 door lites ..and then I need to start the layout for the Ottawa project... "Bejeweled transoms...AWESOME!" 

So besides being a little tired...its all pretty good!
..... I need to thank Andrea for all her help in the studio!

Transom panel with brass medallions. Oakville

Friday, December 9, 2011


Exciting projects coming down for the New Year....first is an Oakville site with some classic and elegant door lites..then it is off the Ottawa.. for multiple door lites and several transoms....Nice order..this build looks beautiful from the plans...and best off all they have challenged me to come up with something "Old World" "Elegant" and "Unique" favorite words...what more could I ask for...Kinda feels like an early Christmas gift.

This weekend Andrea and I will be working hard on kitchen panels that have to be completed by the end of next week....Hopefully we will get the bulk of this project completed Sunday... I think there are 16 panels in total...

My showroom is starting to take shape...and I have to concentrate on completing the panels for Victoria Strong's New Showroom...

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

There are pictures from a job in Woodbridge Ontario earlier this year....Very Cool....Very different!