Showing posts with label Stained Glass in Toronto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stained Glass in Toronto. Show all posts

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Day 15 on Vaughan Project..Leaded Glass Windows ...

This upcoming week we are hopefully wrapping up our Vaughan Project....which we have been working on this awesome month of January....with a few small projects thrown in also....

Stacks and stacks of the first group of leaded panels went to my thermal unit manufacturer for sealing...

Glassworks Stained Glass Studio, Toronto CANADA
Stacks of leaded windows enroute for thermal unit make up, Glassworks Studio Toronto

Ceiling Sky Light Lense for Walk in Closet, WE Project Mississauga.

Monday, September 24, 2012

And an exterior pic...of the leaded casements and transoms!

OK...We know that leaded glass looks amazing from the inside of your home....AND I am of the opinion that "our opinions" are the most important (Anyone who knows me probably changing the  "our" to "HER"..haha...funny funny...

Well here is a picture of my lastest installation and proof positive that as "GREAT" as decorative glass looks from inside your space....WOW it looks amazing from outside too!

Just saying... Simply Awesome!

Glassworks Studio....Toronto CANADA!

Leaded Glass Windows installed this past weekend...WHOA! GLASSWORKS STUDIO TORONTO!

This past weekend was a "working weekend." Jobsite coming to a close in Mississauga...very exciting and sad at the same time.  Leaving my glass with amazing clients is awesome...BUT..  I know I am a little crazy.

Well here is what was installed... You will recognize from previous posts that we have been working on this site for over 3 months. I must say a "THANK YOU" to my great clients, the awesome interior designer and of course fine home builder...I loved this project!



Glassworks Studio

Glassworks Studio

GLASSWORKS STUDIO is a professinal stained and leaded glass studio working all over the Greater Toronto Area...and now into the USA!..We love all that is glass....designing...creating pieces...and installation. 


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Little bird in the kiln....

Here is a quick shot of what is baking tonight...Cannot wait to see the layering of colors....At this point everything is an experiment for me....a documented experiment...I feel like a "mad scientist"  :D

Next week I have to fire a sample piece for one of my first hot glass contracts..WHOOAAAH...

Some Hot glass at the studio, Glassworks Studio.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Beveled Glass Kitchen Inserts....These are really nice!!!

Here are the custom beveled cabinet inserts that I polished today..they are still not complete as I have to solder little medallions at the intersections.....but so far so good...  No details were overlooked here...every piece of glass is custom beveled...even those tiny corner pieces.....And they look "WOW"

Makes it all worth the while.

Ok this is my last post tonight.....Have an awesome weekend...Tomorrow I am off to Ajax to look at a very near project!  EXciting!!!
Bevels, Bevels, Bevels at Glassworks Studio, Toronto.

Friday, January 27, 2012

This week..a lot of door lites...
This week the door lites were completed for the Oakville Project.  There were a total of 5....3 were done GNA with the bevels and the others were built in German Cathedral. Very nice.

Today I completed the drawings for the Ottawa project...well I completed the details for the transom hopefully Andrea can start this weekend...and then next week there is a total of 8 doorlites and four transoms being shipped...

This weeks hint for glassers...if you are using zinc for the perimeter of your panels...clean it with paint thinner before applying your black patina to make your finish nice and dark.

Have a great weekend!
Kelly Anne

Monday, January 16, 2012

Going on an adventure this week... :)

Have I told you that I love what I do...lately??? :)

This week I am working on door lites for an Oakville site.  All are the same design style...symmetrical, linear...classic and 3 of the doors GNA is dominant ....lower level of the house where privacy is not required...upper level doors will be made of Wissmach Corrella Classic....Nice!  Of course multi-faceted bevels and pencil bevels are almost part of everything I do...."My Bling"  These doors will be installed Wednesday...

Thursday I am off to Barrie and then Horseshoe Valley for 2 sites...Imagine me working on glass for a "Guinness Pub"....a little slice of heaven for me....

So here is a pic of this weeks work so far (patina and polish have not been done yet-these are oh natural still- and yes it is only Monday....As you may notice painting elves have also been working hard at the studio...painting out all the beautiful trim done by Victoria Strong Manufacturing Company....Looks great!
                                                    GLASSWORKS STUDIO TORONTO,

Have a great week!!! and thanks to "anonymous" for my first comment....

Friday, December 9, 2011


Exciting projects coming down for the New Year....first is an Oakville site with some classic and elegant door lites..then it is off the Ottawa.. for multiple door lites and several transoms....Nice order..this build looks beautiful from the plans...and best off all they have challenged me to come up with something "Old World" "Elegant" and "Unique" favorite words...what more could I ask for...Kinda feels like an early Christmas gift.

This weekend Andrea and I will be working hard on kitchen panels that have to be completed by the end of next week....Hopefully we will get the bulk of this project completed Sunday... I think there are 16 panels in total...

My showroom is starting to take shape...and I have to concentrate on completing the panels for Victoria Strong's New Showroom...

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

There are pictures from a job in Woodbridge Ontario earlier this year....Very Cool....Very different!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

At Glassworks this week...

Ok...I know that I have been lazy with the posts...Last week I was lying on a beach in St Lucia...soaking up the heat..this week I am snowed under in not just feels really cold. I love Toronto... :)

A lot of projects are on the go....leaded inserts..a lot of copper foil...a gate panel (which is off to Florida...) some Charles Rennie inspired....This weeks focus is finishing up on going projects so that I can start the layouts for new clients...  Everyone is excited...and the Christmas countdown in on...and new jobs booking for 2012..

I have not fired up the newest addition to my kiln family yet...This week I will apply the kiln wash and do the first looks so lonely sitting there..patiently waiting for me....I purchased a form for a bowl...maybe I will try one...  so many little time..

I will post so new shots this week...the first of these is a picture of some leaded inserts and a interior window..the second "B" is a piece of stainless steel that was sandblasted for a clients wine cellar table.  Very cool...

 Kelly Anne

Thursday, October 6, 2011

My New Studio Door lite...      Ok this has been another crazy week...finally we are starting construction on the Roman Column door lites for the Mississauga client..  All week I have work late on 30 inserts that were delivered this morning...well actually lunch time by the time I got them cleaned and loaded up.  They looked good...tempered waterglass for this to come around Christmas when the entire job is done...  Tomorrow I am in meetings with two new for more cabinet inserts and the other is for a series of stained glass panels for in fence gates...the first layout is of a sailboat in Bronte Harbor, Oakville...I am going to add some fused glass elements in this project...(Hatch windows, flag and maybe some dimensional elements in the water.... :)  )

My  new exciting project is a 1 1/2" thick Red Cracked Laminated Glass Counter Top for a job in Downtown Toronto...resembling the "manroom" glass I did earlier this year except that was cobalt blue...  Good Times only could be enjoyed with a Red Counter Top in a Bar....

Here is a photo of the new Studio Door Lite ...I know that is does not look like much on the table...but it is very keeps calling to me...distracting me...The background is GNA and acid etched..the focal color is Red... accented with Bullseye single rolled Purple....Cannot wait until it is done...

Glassworks Studio, Studio Door Oct 2011

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.''  Steve Jobs

"Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish." Steve Jobs